Take advantage of our "Worry Free Booking" service
Before you arrive in New York you will already have tickets for all the trips and excursions you want to go on, both with the group and the ones you want to do on your own. The price of tickets is not included in the service.
We will take care of changing your pounds to dollars and always at the best exchange rate. You tell us how many dollars you want and we'll get them for you!
We take care of managing for you the contracting of travel and medical insurance that covers you up to 1 million dollars in case of any medical problems in the USA.
The Give It to Me All Done service is included in all our trips. What is not included, in any of the cases, is the price of transfers within Spain, electronic visa (ESTA - about €21), currency exchange, travel insurance (about €70) or the purchase of tickets for visits and excursions. The payment of these items is in addition to the Dámelo Todo Hecho service.